Four Corners Earth Skills Gathering

By this time next week, this site will be alive with people attending the Four Corners Earth Skills gathering.

The center of camp at the Four Corners Earth Skills Gathering

It starts on Sunday, on a farm just east of Durango.

My friend Ken is helping with setup, and I dropped him off a few days early.

Ken with ukulele
My friend Ken and his ukulele

People can take classes on wild plants, hide tanning, basket weaving, pottery, drumming, archery, and lots more.

A bonfire in the central firepit will burn all day for cooking and pottery firing.

Hides soaking in the creek

The organizer is an outfit called the Winter Moon Initiative, run by a guy named Cannon, who I met a few years ago when he and his partner were living nomadically with a herd of goats in the Superstition Mountains of Arizona.

Bare feet in the daisies at the Four Corners Earth Skills gathering site

The gathering is a screen-free event, so I was lucky to get photos of the site before digital cameras are banned.

I got to go barefoot in the mud and soak my toes in the cold water of the creek.

I even got stung by a yellow jacket. When I asked for a remedy, Cannon gave me some homemade salve. He put it on a stick for me to take with me.

Cannon’s homemade chaparral salve

Events like this are taking place all around the country – called earth skills or aboriginal skills gatherings, where people celebrate and learn about living with nature.

If you’re interested, there’s still space at the gathering. Registration is also screen free – it’s by snail mail or in person only. But there is information online at

Cannon’s camp at the Four Corners Earth Skills Gathering

Originally posted at

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